Laura Peeters

Trunk involvement in performing upper extremity activities | 27 2 Studies related to standing activities, gait, or therapy evaluations were excluded. Subsequently, the abstracts were read by the primary researcher (LP) and full articles were included when they met the following criteria: 1) covering the topic of task performance in a seated position, 2) involving both trunk and arm or head movement, and 3) presenting outcome measures related to kinematics (range of motion in three planes, movement trajectory, and/or spatiotemporal parameters such as movement velocity and timing of movement) or stability (center-of-mass/center-of-pressure displacement, trunk sway parameters, and/or force profiles). Relevant cited, yet unidentified, articles that met the inclusion criteria were included in second instance. RESULTS Search results The literature search and article inclusion are shown in figure 1. Out of 188 potentially eligible articles, 32 articles were eventually included in this review. The study characteristics are shown in table 1. Identification Screening Included Records identified through database searching ‘kinematics’ (n=165) Additional records identified through other sources (n=8) Records screened (n= 188 ) Records excluded (n=109) Studies included in review (n=32) Records identified through database searching ‘stability’ (n=61) Records after duplicates removed (n= 188 ) Eligibility Full-text articles assessed for eligibility (n= 72) Full-text articles excluded (n= 40), with reasons: Standing activities (n=7), did not include trunk+ head/arm (n=7), did not include right parameters (n=7), other (n=19) Figure 1 Flow chart of the literature search and included articles, based on PRISMA guidelines [15]