Laura Peeters

54 | Chapter 3 onset for the reaching tasks, based on 5% of their respective peak velocities. The midpoint between the front head markers was used to determine movement onset of the head, the marker at the jugular notch of the sternum for the movement onset of the trunk and the midpoint between the wrist markers for the movement onset of the hand. All analyses were performed using Matlab R2014b (Math Works, USA) software. Statistics Statistical analyses were performed in SPSS 22.0. Non-parametric tests were used since most of the data was not normally distributed. One-way ANOVA with a Bonferroni-corrected post hoc test, was used to assess differences in ROM between segments when performing maximum trunk movements and when performing daily tasks. Wilcoxon signed rank tests were used to evaluate differences between rotations to the left and right for both trunk and head. A Friedman test, followed by a Wilcoxon signed rank test in case of a significant effect, was used to evaluate the effect of reaching height, distance and object weight on the ROM. Linear regression analysis was performed to evaluate the correlation between subject age and trunk movement and the effect of age on trunk movement, when performing forward and lateral reaching tasks. A one-sample Wilcoxon signed rank test was used to evaluate whether the trunk and head movement onset differs from zero (i.e. arm movement onset). The difference between trunk and head movement onsets was evaluated with a two-sample Wilcoxon signed rank test. The statistical level was set at α = 0.05 for all analysis. RESULTS Each movement task was successfully completed by all subjects, with the exception of reaching laterally, 1.3 times arm length at eye level. In this task, none of the subjects was able to reach the target and the target was repositioned to their maximum reach distance. Out of 25 subjects, subject data for one subject (12 of 128 kinematic outcomes), for two subjects (13 of 128 kinematic outcomes), and for tree subjects (7 of 128 kinematic outcomes) were excluded due to missing marker data. Kinematic outcomes consist of all segments and tasks.