Laura Peeters

58 | Chapter 3 -20 0 20 40 a) "Near-Shoulder-0g" Reaching forward Range of motion [deg] -20 0 20 40 b) "Near-Shoulder-500g" -20 0 20 40 c) "Far-Shoulder-0g" sagittal plane frontal plane transverse plane -20 0 20 40 d) "Near-Eye-0g" -20 0 20 40 e) "Near-Eye-500g" PEL LL UL LT UT -20 0 20 40 f) "Far-Eye-0g" sagittal plane frontal plane transverse plane Figure 5 Range of motion (ROM) when reaching forward at different reaching heights, distances and object weights. Positive values indicate respectively flexion, lateral bending to the right and rotation to the right. Boxes represent 25 th , 50 th and 75 th percentile, wiskers minimum and maximum of non-outlier values, and dots indicate outliers (greater than 1.5 times the interquartile range). Abbreviations: PEL pelvis, LL lower lumbar segment, UL upper lumbar segment, LT lower thoracic segment, UT upper thoracic segment.