Laura Peeters

62 | Chapter 3 -15 0 15 a) "Drink" -15 0 15 b) "Draw" ADL -15 0 15 c) "Plate" Range of motion [deg] sagittal plane frontal plane transverse plane -15 0 15 d) "Dexterity" sagittal plane frontal plane transverse plane PEL LL UL LT UT Figure 7 Range of motion (ROM) when performing four activities of daily life. Positive values indicate respectively flexion, lateral bending to the right and rotation to the right. Boxes represent 25 th , 50 th and 75 th percentile, wiskers minimum and maximum of non-outlier values, and dots indicate outliers (greater than 1.5 times the interquartile range). Abbreviations: PEL pelvis, LL lower lumbar segment, UL upper lumbar segment, LT lower thoracic segment, UT upper thoracic segment.