Laura Peeters

80 | Chapter 4 Healthy DMD n median IQR n median IQR Age [years] 25 13.2[9.4-18.0] 17 13.1 [11.7-15.8] Gender [male/female] 13/12 17/0 Weight [kg] 25 48.6[30.5-63.5] 15 48.0 [40.0-51.5] Height [cm] 25 160.0[136.5-171.0] 15 150.0 [145.5-157.0] Sitting height [cm] 25 62[50.5-65.6] 12 50.0 [47.8-56.3] Pain at time of participation [n] 0 0 Age of diagnosis [years] 16 4 [3-5] Corticosteroid use [n] 0 15 Wheelchair confinement ind- oors [n] 0 10 Wheelchair confinement out- doors [n] 0 14 Scoliosis [n] 0 2 Table 1 Participant characteristics 1 2 3 4 Trunk rotation angle [deg] -100 -50 0 50 100 150 ** * ** ** FLEX EXT LAT ROT Healthy DMD Figure 1 Maximum trunk angle during active trunk movements.