Laura Peeters

82 | Chapter 4 between DMD patients and HC (Table 3), except when reaching forward were DMD patients used significantly more trunk flexion-extension movement compared to HC. The change in trunk axial rotation tended to be higher in DMD patients when reaching forward (p=0.061) and contra-laterally (p=0.062). A significant increase in trunk ROM with Brooke scale was only found for the drinking task (in the frontal plane) (p=0.007) and when reaching contra-lateral with 500 gram object (in the frontal plane) (p=0.025) (Additional file 3). The direction of movement was largely the same for all DMD participants (Figure 3). The largest variation in movement direction could be seen in flexion-extension when reaching forward. Both flexion and extension movements were made by 0 20 40 60 80 N-0 Reaching forward N-500 F-0 N-0 Reaching lateral N-500 F-0 Reaching contra lateral N-0 N-500 Plate Drink Transversal plane Range of motion [deg] 0 20 40 * * * * * Sagittal plane 0 20 40 ** ** * ** ** * ** ** Frontal plane Healthy DMD Figure 2 Trunk range of motion in DMD patients and healthy controls when performing daily activities. Abbreviations: N = near, F = far, 0 = without object weight, 500 = 500 gram object weight, * p<0.05, ** p<0.01