Laura Peeters

The trunk in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy | 85 4 Figure 4 Normalized muscle activity in healthy controls and DMD patients with different Brooke scales. Abbreviations: N = near, F = far, 0 = without object weight, 500 = 500 gram object weight, * p<0.05 between Brooke scales 0 100 200 * * * * * * Back muscles 0 200 400 Abdominal muscles 0 200 400 Muscle activity [% of MVIC] Trapezius 0 100 200 300 * * sitting static N-0 Reaching forward N-500 F-0 N-0 Reaching lateral N-500 F-0 Reaching contra lateral N-0 N-500 Plate Drink Deltoid Healthy Brooke 1 Brooke 2 Brooke 3