Laura Peeters

The trunk in spinal musclar atrophy | 99 5 was defined as missing value. All analyses were performed using custom scripts in Matlab R2014b (MathWorks, Natick, USA). Statistics Median values and interquartile ranges are used to describe the data since the data were not normally distributed. Wilcoxon rank sum tests were used to assess differences between patients with SMA and HC. The range of motion is depicted in graphs, where the boxes represent 25 th , 50 th and 75 th percentile, whiskers minimum and maximum non-outlier values and dots indicate outliers (greater than 1.5 times the interquartile range). All statistical analyses were performed using Matlab R2014b and the statistical significance level was set at α = 0.05. Figure 1 Participant’s positioning for the maximum voluntary isometric contraction tasks with the static frame myometer (indicated by arrow). Top row: trunk flexion and extension; bottom row: lateral bending and shoulder abduction.