Hans van den Heuvel

7 Table 5. Quotes illustrating interviewees’ perspectives on expertise and responsibilities of health care professionals. Topic Quotes Medical expertise Well, for me, those data, I’m not trained as a health care professional, to interpret my data. I, myself, had the [possibility] to see how my blood pressure developed over time. But the idea that health care professionals see my data and can interpret it and can ask you to come to the hospital when necessary, that is comforting. (P2) [..] and that they can interpret it. Like for me, it was the case that it [blood pressure] was higher than 90, even if 90 is the threshold value for me, but [they explained] that for me, you see sometimes other things happening. Then I know that, you know, it’s very helpful when a physician helps me and interprets the data. I mean, that they don’t simply tell and stick to the threshold values, but also interpret it in your specific situation. I believe the shared effort lies in me conducting the measurements and supplying that information. (P8) [..] it’s a shared effort. But I think the physician is leading because they know best. I mean, I know more or less which medication I take now and what sort of effect it has on me. But I don’t know, for example, whether or when I can stop taking medications and what consequences it would have; I haven’t studied for that. (P4) Active monitoring I really like having been called after [by a nurse], because then you have confirmation that they will undertake action when it is necessary. [..] I think it was great, that in that way also really something is done with the data you collect every day. (P7) USER EXPERIENCES OF BLOOD PRESSURE TELEMONITORING IN PREGNANCY 113