Hans van den Heuvel

7 (self-selection) might have influenced the results, as participants of the prospective study agreed to take part in this innovative strategy with digital monitoring and may thus have a positive attitude in general to mHealth. Furthermore, the women willing to participate in this study may have had a relatively positive experience with this specific technology. Also, the experience of participants could have been biased by the outcome of their pregnancy. However, as the findings of the questionnaires (collected during pregnancy) and the interview data (8 postpartum, 3 during pregnancy) correspond, the influence may be marginal. The interviewed patients were fairly highly educated and may therefore not be representative of pregnant women in other socioeconomic situations. This explorative study has a relatively small sample size; in both the quantitative and qualitative aspects of the study, the provided ratios and percentages were not statistically powered and therefore cannot be fully generalized to other populations or care settings. Although saturation was reached on the identified codes and themes, further research could investigate these topics in more depth. Conclusions and Recommendations Our study explored the perspectives of pregnant women regarding the use of mHealth in a blended care approach to remotely monitor blood pressure in pregnancy. Based on the experiences of the users, several recommendations have been formulated. These recommendations draw on the needs, experiences, and views of the patients, meaning that following these recommendations will contribute to better-aligned and patient-centered care. These recommendations can help other scholars or physicians to guide the process of implementation and design of similar mHealth technologies. Acknowledgments This project was partly funded by a Child Health Boost grant of the University Medical Center Utrecht in 2018. We would like to thank all participants in this study for sharing their experiences and Melodi Dekker for her support in the analysis of the interview material. USER EXPERIENCES OF BLOOD PRESSURE TELEMONITORING IN PREGNANCY 117