Hans van den Heuvel

8 3) Privacy In the hospitalized group, the subject of privacy generated strong reactions during our study. As the ward is a relatively public area, staff, other patients, their family, friends can move in and out of the room at almost every time of the day. This interfered with personal routines and privacy. [HA19] “I really missed my privacy. Anyone in my room could overhear the chats I had with family and friends, which was really annoying.” [HA21] “There was a lack of privacy. While overhearing everything my ‘roommate’ said, she could also hear my talking. I didn’t feel comfortable while talking to the doctors while she was in the room. Visits of my partner didn’t really feel like we were there together.” [HA09] “How would you feel if everything you discuss with your doctor, can be heard by all your roommates on ward? I didn’t want to share all this personal information with strangers.” A discussion arose on the positive and negative sides of rooms sharedwithmultiple patients. Half of the hospitalized group felt they found support in contact with their roommate. Others were bothered with their neighbors and their visitors, only divided by a curtain. [HA19] “A curtain doesn’t mean there is any privacy. I missed having personal conversations with family. But the last two days I was in a private room and I missed the amusement and relaxation of being with other patients. A compromise would be great.” 4)Impact on daily life The need for support from loved ones was mentioned several times by the admitted patients. Although family members and friends were able to visit the ward, the impact on them is not to be underestimated. Partners often worked normal working hours during admission and spent much time traveling to and from the hospital, which felt difficult and tiresome. Pregnant women missed spending time with their other children and partners. [HA08] “It had a big impact on my two-year-old son. We had never been separated before and saying goodbye to him was hard, every single day. It was also hard on my partner. He suddenly had to take care of our child on his own, take time off from work and drive to the hospital, sometimes 2-3 times a day. ” USER EXPERIENCES OF HOME-BASED TELEMONITORING IN PREGNANCY 133