Hans van den Heuvel

8 Question 3: Can you tell us about your thoughts about theweekly outpatient visits during telemonitoring; did you feel it was necessary or useful? Question 4: How are your experiences with use of the devices at home? Was it easy to use, or did the devices or technique let you down sometimes? Question 5: How did you combine home-based telemonitoring with life at home? Did you feel like you were still ‘admitted’? Or did your daily life (if applicable with your partner and other kids) just continue as normal? Question 6: The longer your telemonitoring period lasted, did you recognize a change in perception? For example, did you feel more relaxed, or bored, or more anxious? Question 7: When your experienced times of insecurity or anxiety, did you feel it would have helped if a nurse/midwife/physician would have been around, as would be the case on the hospital ward? Question 8: Can you tell something about facilities at home, compared to the facilities in the hospital or ward (if you have ever been admitted)? Question 9: Is there something you feel you want to share with us, in ways of points of attention or negative points about home-based telemonitoring? Question 10: Is there something you feel you want to share with us, in ways of the positive points about home-based telemonitoring? 141