Hans van den Heuvel

Multimedia Appendix 1: All questions of the survey For all hospitals: 1. Your hospital lies in which province of the Netherlands? Options: Groningen, Friesland, Drenthe, Overijssel, Flevoland, Gelderland, Utrecht, Noord-Holland, Zuid-Holland, Zeeland, Noord-Brabant, Limburg 2. Your hospital is a - Secondary obstetric care center - Tertiary obstetric care center (With NICU facility) 3. Is your hospital a teaching hospital? Options: yes, no 4. What is the estimated number of deliveries per year in your hospital Options: 0-1000, 1001-2000, 2001-3000, 3001 or more 5. What is your function? Options: gynaecologist, midwife, nurse, other 6. Does your hospital currently provide home monitoring Options: yes; no, but we did in the past; no 7. Does your hospital currently provide tele-monitoring Options: yes; no, but we did in the past; no For hospitals with current home monitoring: 8. Since what year does your hospital provide home monitoring Open question 9. Does your hospital work with a local guideline regarding pregnancy home monitoring Options: yes, no 10. Did your hospital conduct a local evaluation of home monitoring regarding patient safety before implementation? Options: yes, no, 11. Did your hospital conduct a local evaluation of home monitoring regarding patient experiences before implementation? Options: yes, no 12. What medical checks are performed at home by hospital personnel? Multiple options possible Options: physical examination, CTG, blood pressure, temperature, urine sampling, draw blood, give medication (for example corticosteroids), other… 13. What groups of high risk pregnancy are eligible for home monitoring in your hospital? Multiple options are possible. Options: FGR, PPROM, preeclampsia, decreased fetal movements, (gestational) hypertension, cholestasis of pregnancy, fetal anomalies requiring surveillance, (gestational) diabetes mellitus, prolonged prelabor rupture of membranes at term, isolated oligohydramnios, (adverse) obstetric patient history, social or psychological stress, other maternal co-morbidity, other.. 14. Do you monitor multiple pregnancies using home monitoring Options; yes, no 15. What contra-indications of home monitoring do you use? Multiple options possible Options: antepartum haemorrhage, long home-to-hospital distance, non-compliance to agreements, other 16. What is the maximum distance for home monitoring eligibility? Open question 17. What is the minimum gestational age for home monitoring eligibility? Open question 18. What is the estimated number of singleton pregnancies that are monitored with home monitoring per year in your hospital? Options: 0-5, 5-10, 10-25, 25-50, 50-75, 75-100, >100 19. What is the estimated number of multiple pregnancies that are monitored with home monitoring per year in your hospital? CHAPTER 9 158