Hans van den Heuvel

36. What is the estimated number of singleton pregnancies that are monitored with telemonitoring per year in your hospital? Options: 0-5, 5-10, 10-25, 25-50, 50-75, 75-100, >100 37. What is the estimated number of multiple pregnancies that are monitored with telemonitoring per year in your hospital? Options: 0-5, 5-10, 10-25, 25-50, 50-75, 75-100, >100 38. What is the estimated number of days that each high-risk pregnant woman is monitored using telemonitoring at home? Options: 0-5, 5-10, 10-15, >15 For hospitals without current telemonitoring: 39. Why is your hospital currently not providing telemonitoring? Options: Options: small number of possible candidates; patients were not interested; obstetric professionals were not interested; not enough staff capacity for home visits; problems with financial capacity to continue home visits; we provide home monitoring with home visits; other.. 40. Is your hospital planning to start providing telemonitoring? Options Yes, why; no, why not For all hospitals: 41. From the viewpoint of the obstetric care professional: can you mention 3 advantages of monitoring risk pregnancies from home? Open question 42. From the viewpoint of the obstetric care professional: can you mention 3 disadvantages of monitoring risk pregnancies from home? 43. From the viewpoint of the pregnant women: can you mention 3 advantages of monitoring risk pregnancies from home? 44. From the viewpoint of the pregnant women: can you mention 3 disadvantages of monitoring risk pregnancies from home? CHAPTER 9 160