Hans van den Heuvel

Digital health in obstetic care Thesis, Utrecht University (with a summary in Dutch) Author: J.F.M. van den Heuvel ISBN: 978-94-6416-578-4 Lay out: J.F.M. van den Heuvel Cover art: Bodybuilding I by Caren v an Herwaarden, www.cvanherwaarden.nl , also see Ad denda (photo by Peter Cox) Cover design: Ruud Willems, www.ruud willems.nl Printing: Ridderprint The author gratefully acknowledges financial support for the printing of this thesis by Luscii, ICT Group, Nemo healthcare, Hellp stichting, Chipsoft. All rights reserved. No part of this thesis may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior permission of the author.