Hans van den Heuvel

Table 2. Health outcome of electronic health (eHealth) use in lifestyle and gestational diabetes mellitus management in pregnancy: overview of the literature. First author, year Methods N = Technology / e-health intervention Lifestyle: Gestational weight gain, exercise, smoking cessation (13 studies) O’Brien 2014 79 Systematic review (with 7 studies) 33 Technology supported diet and lifestyle interventions Pollak 2014 80 RCT 33 SMS programs on healthy lifestyle Soltani 2015 35 RCT 14 SMS for heathy lifestyle for BMI >30 Graham 2017 81 RCT 1,335 Internet-based platform to prevent excessive weight gain Hayman 2017 34 RCT 77 Web based physical activity intervention Huberty 2016 82 RCT 80 SMS programs to increase physical activity Willcox 2017 37 RCT 91 Healthy gestational weight gain for obese pregnancies Knight 2015 19 One group pilot 10 App with information for lifestyle behavior Waring 2014 33 Cross sectional 64 Survey on lifestyle app or website Choi 2015 36 RCT pilot 30 Activity app + pedometer wearable Lewis 2011 83 Cohort 37 Exercise with SMS or App based support Guo 2016 84 One group pilot 50 Video program with yoga via Facebook or DVD Heminger 2016 42 Systematic review (with 7 RCTs) 702 SMS or App support on smoking: quitting date, relapse, information, daily messages Gestational diabetes (13 studies) Ming 2016 54 Systematic review (with 7 RCTs) 579 Telemedicine for glucose monitoring Rasekaba 2015 53 Systematic review (with 3 RCTs) 243 Telemedicine for glucose monitoring Kruger 2003 85 RCT 18 Telemedicine for glucose monitoring Dalfra 2009 86 RCT 276 Telemedicine for glucose monitoring Perez-Ferre 2010 52 RCT 100 Telemedicine for glucose monitoring Wojcicki 2004 87 RCT 30 Telemedicine for glucose monitoring Carral 2015 49 Prospective cohort 104 Web-based telemedicine system Given 2015 50 Feasibility study 50 Web-based telemedicine system Nicholson 2016 88 Feasibility study 23 Web –based self monitoring, diary Mackillop 2014 51 Pilot study 48 Smartphone app with blood glucose meter Ganapathy 2016 89 Pilot study 50 Remote blood pressure measurements Khorshidi 2015 45 RCT 80 Post partum screening after GDM Harrison 2017 90 Survey + interviews 70 Acceptability of telemedicine in GDM Legend: RCT: randomized controlled trial; SMS: short message services. BMI: body mass index; GDM: gestational diabetes mellitus. CHAPTER 2 24