Hans van den Heuvel

Table 3. Health outcome of electronic health (eHealth) use in electronic mental (e-mental) health, low- and middle-income countries, and telemonitoring and teleconsultation in pregnancy E-mental health (16 studies) Lau 2016 64 Systematic review (with 8 RCTs) 1,523 Therapist-Supported Internet-Based Cognitive Behavior Therapy Among Postpartum Women Lee 2016 61 Systematic review (with 4 RCTs) 1,274 Cognitive behavioral therapy with internet Ashford 2016 63 Systematic review (with 11 studies) 1.537 Web based perinatal mental health interventions Milgrom 2016 91 RCT 43 Cognitive behavioral therapy with internet Ngai 2015 92 RCT 397 Telephone-Based Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Shamshiri 2015 93 RCT 54 Telephone-Based Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Kingston 2017 60 RCT 636 Acceptability of e-screening for mental health Fontein 2016 94 Before-after study 433 Website for maternal stress prevention Jimenez 2015 59 Cohort 1,880 App screening for post partum depression Posmontier 2016 62 Cohort 61 Telephone-Administered Psychotherapy Letourneau 2015 65 Cohort 64 Telephone-based peer support intervention Broom 2015 95 Observational 54 Text messaging in post partum depression Mitchell 2006 58 Cross sectional 106 Telephone screening for postpartum depression Figueiredo 2015 96 Cross sectional 90 Telephone screening for postpartum depression Pugh 2014 97 Case study 1 Therapeutic assistance with e-mail and SMS Pineros 2015 98 Qualitative 25 mHealth creening for post partum depression Low and middle income countries (2 studies) Lee 2015 67 2 systematic reviews with 36 studies 34,149 mHealth interventions for prenatal, birth and postnatal period in low and middle income countries Sondaal 2016 66 Telemonitoring / teleconsulting (12 studies) Tapia 2015 75 RCT 153 Wireless antepartum maternal-fetal monitoring Pflugeisen 2016 74 Non-RCT 1.058 Prenatal care with virtual visits and mHealth Ivey 2015 99 Cohort 155 Teleconsultation with tertiary center Cuneo 2017 100 Cohort 125 Home monitoring for anti-SSA+ fetal hearts Rauf 2011 73 Cohort 70 Fetal monitoring system for induction of labor Krishnamurti 2017 101 Cohort 16 Smartphone app with information and symptom scores Rhoads 2017 102 Non RCT 50 Telemonitoring of post partum hypertension Kerner 2004 77 Feasibility study 36 Self-administered fetal heart rate monitoring Marko 2016 103 Feasibility study 8 Remote monitored pregnancy care (BP, weight) Marko 2016 76 Controlled trial 100 Prenatal care with app and telemonitoring Lanssens 2017 104 Cohort 166 Remote monitoring of hypertension Pflugeisen 2017 105 Cross sectional 171 Satisfaction with Virtual Obstetric Care Legend: RCT: randomized controlled trial; SMS: short message services CHAPTER 2 26