Hans van den Heuvel

CONTENTS Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 e-Health as the next generation perinatal care: an overview of the literature Part I Telemonitoring of pregnant women at risk of preeclampsia Chapter 3 Validation of the iHealth Track and Omron HEM-9210T automated blood pressure devices for use in pregnancy Chapter 4 SAFE@HOME – feasibility study of a telemonitoring platform combining blood pressure and preeclampsia symptoms in pregnancy care Chapter 5 SAFE@HOME: Digital health platform facilitating a new care path for women at increased risk of preeclampsia Chapter 6 SAFE@HOME: Cost analysis of telemonitoring of blood pressure and preeclampsia symptoms in a high risk pregnant population Chapter 7 User experiences with and recommendations for mobile health technology for hypertensive disorders of pregnancy Part II Telemonitoring of pregnant women with complications in pregnancy Chapter 8 Home-based telemonitoring versus hospital admission in high risk pregnancies: a qualitative study on women’s experiences. Chapter 9 Home-based monitoring and telemonitoring of complicated pregnancies: a nationwide survey study of current practice in the Netherlands Chapter 10 HOspital care versus TELemonitoring in high-risk pregnancy (HOTEL); study protocol for a multicentre non-inferiority randomised controlled trial Chapter 11 Summary and general discussion Addenda Nederlandse samenvatting (Dutch summary) List of publications Cover art Dankwoord (Acknowledgements) About the author 7 17 39 53 67 85 101 125 143 163 177 193