Hans van den Heuvel

pregnancy apps. 24,25 In future digital health studies of in pregnancy, use of healthcare services should be assessed too. Alongside its medical effects, cost-effectiveness must be evaluated before implementation of digital health in pregnancy care. The latter may also contribute to reimbursement of digital care. 26,27 Conclusion Use of a digital health platform for blood pressure and symptom telemonitoring allows for fewer antenatal visits and ultrasound assessments in pregnancies at risk of preeclampsia. In this study there was no increase of adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes as compared to the control group. Larger prospective studies on telemonitoring in pregnancy are needed for evaluation of perinatal safety outcomes and cost-effectiveness. Funding This research was funded by the e-Health Citrien Program of the Dutch Federation of University Medical Centers (Nederlandse Federatie van Universitair Medische Centra, NFU). CHAPTER 5 80