Hans van den Heuvel

participants missed 4 hours of work and the partner accompanied the participant with each visit. Maternity leave was not taken into account: since pregnant women have a large degree of freedom when to start leave, no accurate estimation was possible on this matter. Statistical analysis Costing data were summarized as medians with interquartile ranges (IQR), for subtotals and totals. For totals, means are also provided. Statistical significance was determined using Mann-Whitney U tests. Categorical outcome variables with counts and percentages were compared between groups using the chi-square or Fisher’s exact test. P <0.05was considered statistically significant. Statistical analysis was performed with IBM SPSS version 25. Table 1. Baseline characteristics SAFE@HOME n = 97 Control n = 133 p-value Age (years) mean (SD) 33.8 (4.5) 33.11 (4.7) 0.229 Body mass index (kg/m2) mean (SD) 25.3 (4.6) 26.5 (5.8) 0.086 Ethnicity n (%) Caucasian 76 (78.4) 97 (72.9) 0.347 Moroccan / Turkish 14 (14.4) 24 (18.0) 0.466 Afro –Caribbean 4 (4.1) 6 (4.5) 0.887 Other / unknown 3 (3.1) 6 (4.5) 0.584 Education n (%) Primary school or less 3 (3.1) 2 (1.5) 0.652 High school or less 9 (9.3) 5 (3.8) 0.084 Secondary vocational school 35 (36.1) 44 (33.1) 0.636 Higher professional education 26 (26.8) 48 (36.1) 0.137 University graduate 24 (24.7) 34 (25.6) 0.887 Nulliparity n (%) 30 (30.9) 36 (27.1) 0.523 Smoker n (%) 2 (2.1) 6 (4.6) 0.472 Psychiatric disorder during pregnancy n (%) 5 (5.3) 8 (6.3) 0.756 Prior HDP n (%) 35 (36.1) 68 (51.1) 0.056 Systolic BP at intake (mmHg) mean (SD) 120 (16.9) 122 (17.8) 0.282 Diastolic BP intake (mmHg) mean (SD) 74 (12.5) 75 (12.8) 0.417 Risk factor at start of pregnancy n (%) Prior preeclampsia 19 (19.6) 44 (33.1) 0.023 Chronic hypertension 26 (26.8) 45 (33.8) 0.254 Cardiac disease * 35 (36.1) 38 (28.6) 0.227 Kidney disease § 17 (17.5) 6 (4.5) 0.001 Start of telemonitoring Weeks 17.9 (3.9) - - Duration of telemonitoring Weeks 20.2 (4.0) - - Legend: BP, blood pressure; HDP hypertensive disorder of pregnancy) * e.g. maternal congenital heart disease, arrhythmias, valvular heart disease, aortopathy § e.g. (obstetric) antiphospholipid syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus, chronic kidney disease CHAPTER 6 90