Hans van den Heuvel

will need health technology assessments. 22 Using the much-needed results of the economic effects of digital health interventions, the advantages to healthcare can be put in perspective to enable further research and implementation. 23 Moreover, an increase of availability of data on outcome and cost effects must help overcome present issues regarding reimbursement and coverage of digital care services. Conclusion Use of the new visit schedule using the digital health platform of SAFE@HOME is associated with lower costs of antenatal care for women at increased risk of preeclampsia. Furthermore, total costs, including societal costs, were also significantly reduced, compared to traditional follow-up in high-risk pregnancy. In our sample, similar maternal and neonatal outcomes were found. Each euro associated with costs of the digital platform, saved almost €8 on average on antenatal care resources. Digital health interventions for monitoring of (risk of) hypertension in pregnancy are promising tools to achieve higher-value antenatal care. Funding This research was funded by the e-Health Citrien Program of the Dutch Federation of University Medical Centers (Nederlandse Federatie van Universitair Medische Centra, NFU). 96