Mieke Bus

112 Chapter 7 Reference List 1. Roupret M, Babjuk M, Comperat E, Zigeuner R, Sylvester R, Burger M, et al. European guide- lines on upper tract urothelial carcinomas: 2013 update. EurUrol. 2013;63(6):1059-71. 2. Ristau BT, Tomaszewski JJ, Ost MC. Upper tract urothelial carcinoma: current treatment and outcomes. Urology. 2012;79(4):749-56. 3. Al-Qahtani SM, Letendre J, Thomas A, Natalin R, Saussez T, Traxer O. Which ureteral access sheath is compatible with your flexible ureteroscope? JEndourol. 2014;28(3):286-90. 4. Tavora F, Fajardo DA, Lee TK, Lotan T, Miller JS, Miyamoto H, et al. Small endoscopic biop- sies of the ureter and renal pelvis: pathologic pitfalls. AmJSurgPathol. 2009;33(10):1540-6. 5. Smith AK, Stephenson AJ, Lane BR, Larson BT, Thomas AA, Gong MC, et al. Inadequacy of biopsy for diagnosis of upper tract urothelial carcinoma: implications for conservative management. Urology. 2011;78(1):82-6. 6. Wang JK, Tollefson MK, Krambeck AE, Trost LW, Thompson RH. High rate of patho- logic upgrading at nephroureterectomy for upper tract urothelial carcinoma. Urology. 2012;79(3):615-9. 7. Bus MT, de Bruin DM, Faber DJ, Kamphuis G, Zondervan P, Laguna P, et al. Optical diag- nostics for Upper Urinary Tract Urothelial cancer: technology, thresholds and clinical applications. JEndourol. 2014. 8. Cauberg EC, de Bruin DM, Faber DJ, van Leeuwen TG, de la Rosette JJ, de Reijke TM. A new generation of optical diagnostics for bladder cancer: technology, diagnostic accu- racy, and future applications. EurUrol. 2009;56(2):287-96. 9. Liu JJ, Droller MJ, Liao JC. New optical imaging technologies for bladder cancer: consid- erations and perspectives. JUrol. 2012;188(2):361-8. 10. Adams W, Wu K, Liu JJ, Hsiao ST, Jensen KC, Liao JC. Comparison of 2.6- and 1.4-mm imaging probes for confocal laser endomicroscopy of the urinary tract. J Endourol. 2011;25(6):917-21. 11. Ku JH, Lerner SP. Strategies to prevent progression of high-risk bladder cancer at initial diagnosis. CurrOpinUrol. 2012;22(5):405-14. 12. Freund JE, Faber DJ, Bus MT, van Leeuwen TG, de Bruin DM. Grading upper tract urothelial carcinoma with the attenuation coefficient of in-vivo optical coherence tomography. Lasers Surg Med. 2019. 13. Almasian M, Bosschaart N, van Leeuwen TG, Faber DJ. Validation of quantitative atten- uation and backscattering coefficient measurements by optical coherence tomogra- phy in the concentration-dependent and multiple scattering regime. J Biomed Opt. 2015;20(12):121314. 14. Cauberg EC, de Bruin DM, Faber DJ, de Reijke TM, Visser M, de la Rosette JJ, et al. Quantitative measurement of attenuation coefficients of bladder biopsies using optical coherence tomography for grading urothelial carcinoma of the bladder. J Biomed Opt. 2010;15(6):066013.