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22 Chapter 2 Table 2: Patterns in practice of the respondents How many new cases per year do you see with UTUC? <5 9.0% 6-10 34.6% 11-15 20.5% 16-20 19.2% 21-25 2.6% >25 14.1% Do you perform endoscopic treatment yourself? Yes, but only in a palliative setting 1.3% Yes, but only in imperative cases 15.4% Yes, in selected patients with a normal contralateral kidney 12.8% Yes, in all the above 61.5% No, I refer patients for endoscopic treatment 5.1% No 3.9% How often do you perform endoscopic treatment in patients with a healthy contralateral kidney? Never 5.7% In rare cases 27.1% In up to 25% of the cases 34.3% In up to 50% of the cases 18.6% In up to 75% of the cases 8.6% In up to 100% of the cases 5.7% Diagnostics in UTUC CT urography (97.2%), Ureterorenoscopy (94.4%), Biopsy (87.3%), Cytology (selective cytol- ogy 80.3% and urine cytology 74.6%) and Cystoscopy (80.3%) are routinely used in the diag- nostic work-up of patients suspected of UTUC. MRI, Intravenous pyelogram and retrograde pyelogram are less frequently used (table 3).