Mieke Bus

6 95 Figure 4: Cross sectional images of the ureter and pyelum using endoluminal ultrasound (ELUS), optical coherence tomography (OCT) and matching histological images (10x Heamatoxilyne and Eosine staining). Case 1 demonstrates a normal appearing part of the ureter. In the ELUS image, the hyperechoic inner mucosal layer (#), hypoechoic muscularis layer (‡) and hyperechoic periureteric fat is shown (†). The probe is marked (*). The matching OCT image, thin urothelial layer (#), lamina propria ($) and muscularis propria (‡) can be identified. In addition, von Brunn’s nest are recognized (arrowhead) and vessels (thick arrow). In case 2, 3, 4 and 5, tumors are recognized as papillary (case 2) or solid lesions (case 3, 4 and 5) (arrowheads). Architecture loss is seen in invasive tumors (case 3, 4 and 5). In case 5 a nephrostomy tube was recognized on both images (thin arrow).