Els van Meijel

105 Posttraumatic stress in young children | Chapter 6 Posttraumatic stress symptoms A total of 14 parents reported one or more PTS symptoms in their child in the past following the accident and completed the ADIS-C/P and DIPA questions. Of this group, 9 children (9.2% of the total study population) showed substantial PTSS and impairment. These 9 children consisted of 7 boys and 2 girls. The age of the children with substantial PTSS ranged from 1 to 7 years at the time of the accident (median 6 years, mean 5.0 years, SD=2.2), and was distributed as follows: 1 year (1 child), 2 years (1 child), 4 years (1 child), 6 years (4 children) and 7 years (2 children). PTSD criterion and diagnosis frequencies measured with the three PTSD algorithms are presented in Table 6.3. Two of the 9 children with substantial PTSS met all three algorithms. Using the DSM-5 subtype for children 6 years and younger and the PTSD- AA algorithm 7 children with substantial PTSS were identified; 2 of these children met all three algorithms and 5 children met the DSM-5 subtype for children 6 years and younger and the PTSD-AA algorithm but did not meet the DSM-IV algorithm. The DSM-5 subtype for children 6 years and younger and PTSD-AA algorithm identified the same children. The 2 children who showed substantial PTSS and impairment but did not fully meet any of the algorithms, met the criteria of two PTSD clusters but lacked one or more symptoms in the third cluster. One of these children lacked symptoms in the cluster intrusion and one child lacked one symptom in the cluster hyperarousal. Table 6.3 PTSD Criterion and Diagnosis Frequencies in Young Children with Substantial PTSS PTSD criterion or diagnosis N (n=9) % (n=9) Prevalence rate % (n=98) Intrusion 8 88 -- Avoidance/numbing (DSM-IV; 3 symptoms) 2 22 -- Avoidance/numbing (PTSD-AA; 1 symptom) 9 100 -- Avoidance/negative alterations cognitions and mood (DSM-5; 1 symptom) 9 100 -- Hyperarousal 8 88 -- DSM-IV diagnosis 2 22 2.0 PTSD-AA diagnosis 7 77 7.1 DSM-5 diagnosis 7 77 7.1 Substantial symptoms but no diagnosis a 2 22 2.0 Note. -- = not applicable. a Children met at least two clusters of symptoms of PTSD according to any of the algorithms