Els van Meijel

157 PhD Portfolio PhD portfolio PhD period 2008-2013. Year Workload (ECTS) PhD training Courses AMC Graduate School Clinical Data Management 2009 0.6 Oral presentations in English 2009 0.8 Practical Biostatics 2010 1.1 Systematic Reviews 2010 0.7 Scientific Writing in English for Publication 2011 1.5 BROK (Good Clinical Practice) 2012 0.9 Other training and workshops Workshop Expertise child maltreatment, de Bascule, Amsterdam 2008 0.1 Workshop Pimp my poster, AMC, Amsterdam 2009 0.1 Workshop Acquiring external finance, University of Amsterdam 2009 0.1 Advanced conversation in English, Volksuniversiteit, Amsterdam 2009 0.7 Training PhD and Communication, University of Amsterdam 2010 0.4 Conferences, seminars and lectures World congress of the International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (IACAPAP), Istanbul, Turkey. 2008 1 Seminar Psychotrauma in Development, Utrecht 2008 0.2 Congress Nederlandstalige Vereniging voor Psychotrauma (NtVP), Zwolle. 2008 0.25 Seminar Long-term consequences of injury, Amsterdam 2008 0.1 Lecture Arieh Y. Shalev, Amsterdam 2008 0.1 European Conference on Traumatic Stress, Oslo, Norway. 2009 0.75 Seminar Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Amsterdam 2009 0.1 Jaap Christoffels Symposium, Amsterdam 2009 0.1 Conference Pediatric Medical Traumatic Stress, Emma Children’s Hospital, Amsterdam 2009 0.2 Symposium Paediatric Psychology Network, Amsterdam 2009 0.2 ZonMw congress Youth in research, Nieuwegein 2010 0.2 Congress Trauma and attachment in children, Leiden 2010 0.25 World congress of the International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (IACAPAP), Beijing, China. 2010 1 Congress Nederlandstalige Vereniging voor Psychotrauma (NtVP), Amsterdam 2010 0.25 Seminar PTSD and DSM-5, Utrecht 2010 0.1 Symposium Globalization of knowledge, Amsterdam 2010 0.1 Congress Nederlandse Vereniging voor Psychiatrie (NVvP), Amsterdam 2011 0.25 Symposium Children and Trauma, Utrecht 2011 0.1 European Conference on Traumatic Stress, Vienna, Austria. 2011 1 Conference Paediatric Psychology Network, Nijmegen 2011 0.2 Symposium Stress, resilience and plasticy, Amsterdam 2011 0.1 Congress Nederlandstalige Vereniging voor Psychotrauma (NtVP), Amsterdam 2011 0.2