Els van Meijel

160 PhD Portfolio Verlinden, E., van Meijel E.P.M., Opmeer, B.C., Beer, R., de Roos, C., Bicanic, I.A.E., Lamers‑Winkelman, F., Olff, M., Boer, F., Lindauer, R.J.L.: Characteristics of the Children’s Revised Impact of Event Scale in a Clinically Referred Dutch Sample. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 27(3), 2014, p.338‑344 Verlinden, E., van Laar, Y.L., van Meijel E.P.M., Opmeer, B.C., Beer, R., de Roos, C., Bicanic, I.A.E., Lamers‑Winkelman, F., Olff, M., Boer, F., Lindauer, R.J.L.: A Parental Tool to Screen for Posttraumatic Stress in Children: First Psychometric Results. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 27(4), 2014, p.492‑495 Verlinden, E., Opmeer, B.C., van Meijel, E.P.M., Beer, R., de Roos, C., Bicanic, I.A.E., Lamers‑Winkelman, F., Olff, M., Boer, F., Lindauer, R.J.L.: Enhanced screening for posttraumatic stress disorder and comorbid diagnoses in children and adolescents. European Journal of Psychotraumatology 2015, 6: 26661 http:// dx.doi.org/10.3402/ejpt.v6.26661 Van Meijel, E.P.M., Gigengack, M.R., Verlinden, E., Opmeer, B.C., Heij, H.A., Goslings, J.C., Bloemers, F.W., Luitse, J.S.K., Boer, F., Grootenhuis, M.A., Lindauer, R.J.L. Predicting posttraumatic stress disorder in children and parents following accidental child injury: evaluation of the Screening Tool for Early Predictors of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (STEPP). BMC Psychiatry, 2015 15:113 DOI 10.1186/s12888- 015-0492-z Gigengack, M.R., van Meijel, E.P.M., Alisic, E., Lindauer, R.J.L. Comparing Three Diagnostic Algorithms of Posttraumatic Stress in Young Children Exposed to Accidental Trauma: an exploratory study. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 2015 9:14 DOI 10.1186/s13034-015-0046-7 Van Meijel, E.P.M., Gigengack, M.R., Verlinden, E., van der Steeg, A.F.W., Goslings, J.C., Bloemers, F.W., Luitse, J.S.K., Boer, F., Grootenhuis, M.A., Lindauer, R.J.L. The Association Between Acute Pain and Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms in Children and Adolescents 3 Months After Accidental Injury. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, online 5 May 2018, 2019 26:88-96 https://doi.org/10.1007/ s10880-018-9567-6 Van Meijel, E.P.M., Gigengack, M.R., Verlinden, E., van der Steeg, A.F.W., Goslings, J.C., Bloemers, F.W., Luitse, J.S.K., Boer, F., Grootenhuis, M.A., Lindauer, R.J.L. Long-term posttraumatic stress following accidental injury in children and adolescents: results of a 2–4-year follow-up study. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 28 March 2019 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10880-019-09615-5 Van Meijel, E.P.M., Gigengack, M.R., Verlinden, E., van der Steeg, A.F.W., Goslings, J.C., Bloemers, F.W., Luitse, J.S.K., Boer, F., Grootenhuis, M.A., Lindauer, R.J.L. Short and Long-Term Parental Posttraumatic Stress After a Child’s Accident: Prevalence and Associated Factors. Child Psychiatry & Human Development, online 7 September 2019 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10578-019-00924-2 Other Verlinden, E., van Meijel, E. P. M., & Lindauer, R. J. L. Posttraumatic stress disorder, child and parent interview. Extended adaptation of the PTSD module of the ADIS-C/P. De Bascule, Amsterdam, 2009 Lindauer, R.J.L., Boer, F., Zantvoord, J.B. & van Meijel, E.P.M. Neurobiologische aspecten bij kinderen. In: E. Vermetten, R. Kleber & O. van der Hart (red.). Handboek Posttraumatische stress-stoornissen. Utrecht: De Tijdstroom, 2012 Van Meijel, E.P.M., Verlinden, E., Diehle, J., Lindauer, R.J.L. Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale for Children and Adolescents (CAPS-CA), Klinisch interview voor PTSS bij kinderen en adolescenten. Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, 2013 Verlinden, E., van Meijel, E.P.M., Opmeer, B.C., Beer, R., de Roos, C., Bicanic, I.A.E., Lamers‑Winkelman, F., Olff, M., Boer, F., Lindauer, R.J.L.: Signaleren van posttraumatische stressklachten bij kinderen en adolescenten: betrouwbaarheid en validiteit van de screeningslijst CRIES‑13. Kind en Adolescent, 35(3), 2014, p.165‑176 Van Meijel, E.P.M., Gigengack, M.R., Lindauer, R.J.L. PTSS bij kinderen en ouders vaak niet herkend. Kind & Zorg magazine, 2015 https://kindenzorg.nl/ptss-bij-kinderen-en-ouders-vaak-niet-herkend/