Els van Meijel

172 Curriculum Vitae Curriculum Vitae Els was born on October 31, 1955, in Venray, the Netherlands. She grew up with her parents, four younger brothers and two younger sisters. She finished her pre-university education (VWO) at Boschveldcollege in Venray in 1974. In the following years she worked in various jobs, ending this period in a staff position in an insurance company. In 1991, Koos and Els had a daughter, Lotte. From 1992, Els combined a part-time job as a secretary with a part-time study psychology at the University of Amsterdam. In 2001 she graduated in the specialization Clinical Psychology. Her internship at the department of psychiatry of Academic Medical Center (AMC) in Amsterdam focused on psychotrauma. From 2000 to 2002 she worked in this department as a research assistant. In 2002 Els finished a post-HBO study career coaching and worked freelance as a trainer and career coach until 2006. Returning to the AMC, from 2006 to 2008 she worked as a research assistant in the newly started department of child and adolescent psychiatry of AMC/de Bascule. In 2008, while working at this department, she started her PhD project on posttraumatic stress following accidents in children and their parents. In 2013, after finishing a follow-up of the initial study, she assisted six months part-time with the start of the Amsterdam Sexual Abuse Case-study. Next, from the end of 2013, she worked part-time for two years as a senior researcher and consultant at VeiligheidNL in Amsterdam. In 2012-2013 she was a board member of the NtVP (the Netherlands association for psychotrauma). Since 2013, Els has worked part-time as a researcher at the department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry of AMC/de Bascule. She works on grant applications and various projects such as a pilot project on implementation of screening for risk of PTSD in hospitals in the Netherlands (2014-2016) and the Dutch version of diagnostic interviews DIPA and CAPS-CA.