Els van Meijel

32 Chapter 2 | Evaluation of the STEPP Posttraumatic stress PTSD interview-based data were available for 147 children. A combined child/parent informed diagnosis was made for 135 children. For one child, a diagnosis was derived only from the parent report, and for 11 children only from the child report. With the ADIS-C/P, 17 children (11.6%) were diagnosed with PTSD, 9 of them with full PTSD (6.1%) and 8 of them with partial PTSD (5.4%). A total of 144 children completed the self-report measure CRIES (mean score = 15.67, SD = 13.41). The scores of 23 children (14.3%) were above the cut-off score, indicating serious posttraumatic stress symptoms (mean score = 39.91, SD = 8.16). In total, 135 parents completed the IES-R (mean score = 9.39, SD = 13.64). Of this group of parents, 13 (9.6%) scored 23 or above (mean score = 45.23, SD = 15.48) which indicates the likely presence of PTSD. Table 2.1 Demographic, trauma-related and clinical characteristics No (%) Mean (SD) Min-max Sex children Female 66 (41) Male 95 (59) Age 161 13.9 (2.8) years 8-17 years Sex parents Female 120 (77) Male 36 (23) Trauma type (Road) traffic accident 115 (71.4) Sports accident 20 (12.4) Other, including falls 26 (16.2) ISS 6.8 (7.7) 0-43 Admitted to hospital 113 (70) Days in hospital 4.9 (6.1) < 1-33 Admitted to (P)ICU 22 (14) Days on (P)ICU 1.8 (1.5) < 1-6 ISS - Injury Severity Score, (P)ICU - (Pediatric) Intensive Care Unit.