Els van Meijel

49 Acute pain and posttraumatic stress symptoms | Chapter 3 None of the other factors were associated with the total score of the CRIES, but two factors were associated with pain. In girls, injury severity was negatively associated with pain ( r s = –.34; p = .01); the more severe the injury was, the less pain the girls reported. In boys the presence of an extremity fracture was positively associated with pain ( r s = .29; p = .01); an extremity fracture was thus associated with more pain in boys but not in girls. Injury severity and the presence of an extremity fracture were associated factors, in the total group as well as in boys and girls separately. Table 3.2 Correlations between acute pain, child characteristics and posttraumatic stress Total group (n = 135) 1 2 3 4 5 1. Pain score - 2. Extremity fracture .17 - 3. Injury severity –.14 .50*** - 4. Days hospitalized .02 .49*** .83*** - 5. Total score CRIES .28** .01 –.08 –.09 - Girls (n = 56) 1 2 3 4 5 1. Pain score - 2. Extremity fracture .04 - 3. Injury severity –.34* .45** - 4. Days hospitalized –.09 .44** .78*** - 5. Total score CRIES .23 .11 –.11 –.02 - Boys (n = 79) 1 2 3 4 5 1. Pain score - 2. Extremity fracture .29* - 3. Injury severity .04 .52*** - 4. Days hospitalized .15 .51*** .83*** - 5. Total score CRIES .27* .00 –.03 –.09 - Values are Spearman’s rho correlation coefficients ( r s ). CRIES Children’s Revised Impact of Event Scale * p < .05 ** p < .01 *** p < .001