Els van Meijel

Table of Contents List of abbreviations 7 Chapter 1 General introduction 9 Chapter 2 Predicting posttraumatic stress disorder in children and parents following accidental child injury: evaluation of the Screening Tool for Early Predictors of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (STEPP) Van Meijel, E.P.M., Gigengack, M.R., Verlinden, E., Opmeer, B.C., Heij, H.A., Goslings, J.C., Bloemers, F.W., Luitse, J.S.K., Boer, F., Grootenhuis, M.A., Lindauer, R.J.L. BMC Psychiatry, 2015, 15:113 21 Chapter 3 The association between acute pain and posttraumatic stress symptoms in children and adolescents 3 months after accidental injury Van Meijel, E.P.M., Gigengack, M.R., Verlinden, E., van der Steeg, A.F.W., Goslings, J.C., Bloemers, F.W., Luitse, J.S.K., Boer, F., Grootenhuis, M.A., Lindauer, R.J.L. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, online 5 May 2018, 2019, 26 :88-96 39 Chapter 4 Long-term posttraumatic stress following accidental injury in children and adolescents: results of a 2–4-year follow-up study Van Meijel, E.P.M., Gigengack, M.R., Verlinden, E., van der Steeg, A.F.W., Goslings, J.C., Bloemers, F.W., Luitse, J.S.K., Boer, F., Grootenhuis, M.A., Lindauer, R.J.L. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, online 28 March 2019 57 Chapter 5 Short and long-termparental posttraumatic stress after a child’s accident: prevalence and associated factors Van Meijel, E.P.M., Gigengack, M.R., Verlinden, E., van der Steeg, A.F.W., Goslings, J.C., Bloemers, F.W., Luitse, J.S.K., Boer, F., Grootenhuis, M.A., Lindauer, R.J.L. Child Psychiatry & Human Development, online 7 September 2019 77 Chapter 6 Comparing three diagnostic algorithms of posttraumatic stress in young children exposed to accidental trauma: an exploratory study Gigengack, M.R., van Meijel, E.P.M., Alisic, E., Lindauer, R.J.L. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 2015, 9:14 95 Chapter 7 General discussion 111 Chapter 8 Summary 125 Chapter 9 Samenvatting (summary in Dutch) 135 References 144 List of co-authors 154 Contributors’ statement 155 PhD portfolio 157 Dankwoord (acknowledgements in Dutch) 163 Curriculum Vitae 172