Els van Meijel

70 Chapter 4 | Results of a 2–4-year follow-up study before the accident or experiencing a new traumatic event between T1 and T2. More details and p values are provided in Table 4.1. Psychological treatment and recovery in follow-up participants All three children who were diagnosed with full PTSD at T1 completed psychological trauma-focused therapy. One child received Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR); two others received Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT). At T2, they were fully recovered and reported no symptoms or low levels of symptoms. There was no indication from the interview that there were any other mental health problems. The three children who were diagnosed with partial PTSD at T1 were also advised to take trauma-focused therapy after the diagnosis was made. Two of the three children started therapy (one child EMDR, the other TF-CBT) but did not complete it; the third did not want to participate in psychological therapy. Table 4.1 Differences between children with and without PTSD or PTSS at T2 Children with PTSD or PTSS Children without PTSD or PTSS Difference p value N a 12 78 Sex—male 7 (58%) 47 (60%) 0.90 b Number of children with trauma history before the accident 10 (83%) 47 (60%) 0.32 b Number of children with new traumatic event between T1 and T2 4 (33%) 13 (17%) 0.24 b Mean number of traumatic events until T2 (SD, min–max) 3.6 (2.3, 1–10) 2.6 (1.8, 1–8) 0.06 c Mean acute pain score (SD, min–max) 8.0 (1.7, 5–10) 6.7 (2.5, 0.7–10) 0.12 c Number of children with severe acute pain 6 d (60%) 31 e (42%) 0.32 b Number of children with permanent physical impairment 9 (75%) 18 f (24%) 0.001* b T2 at follow-up, PTSD diagnosed posttraumatic stress disorder, PTSS clinically significant self- reported posttraumatic stress symptoms, SD standard deviation * Statistically significant difference between groups a Children with both PTSD and PTSS were included only in the PTSD group b Mann–Whitney U test was used c Fisher’s Exact test was used d Pain ratings for two children were missing e Pain ratings for four children were missing f Information for two children was missing