Els van Meijel

List of abbreviations 7
Chapter 1 General introduction 9
Chapter 2 Predicting posttraumatic stress disorder in children and parents following accidental child injury: evaluation of the Screening Tool for Early Predictors of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (STEPP) 21
Chapter 3 The association between acute pain and posttraumatic stress symptoms in children and adolescents 3 months after accidental injury 39
Chapter 4 Long-term posttraumatic stress following accidental injury in children and adolescents: results of a 2–4-year follow-up study 57
Chapter 5 Short and long-term parental posttraumatic stress after a child’s accident: prevalence and associated factors 77
Chapter 6 Comparing three diagnostic algorithms of posttraumatic stress in young children exposed to accidental trauma: an exploratory study 95
Chapter 7 General discussion 111
Chapter 8 Summary 125
Chapter 9 Samenvatting (summary in Dutch) 135
References 144
List of co-authors 154
Contributors’ statement 155
PhD portfolio 157
Dankwoord (acknowledgements in Dutch) 163
Curriculum Vitae 172