14 Chapter 1 the situation, such as the task, the job, or the social work environment. In contrast, in this dissertation the focus is on proactive behavior aimed at changing aspects of the self – or more specifically, one’s physical, affective, and cognitive state. By doing so, individuals strive to achieve their goal of optimal functioning at work (i.e., a different future; Parker et al., 2010). PROACTIVE VITALITY MANAGEMENT Individuals may proactively employ a wide range of strategies to manage their vitality for work, of which the effectiveness and favorableness may vary between individuals and from moment to moment (cf. Sonnentag & Fritz, 2007; Thayer et al., 1994). To illustrate, some people may try to wake up early and exercise each morning to become energized for the workday ahead, while others may focus on getting enough sleep to start the workday feeling physically and mentally rested. In addition to such individual differences, the number and type of proactive vitality management strategies individuals employ may vary from one day to another. For example, when deadlines call for uninterrupted time to work on projects, people may want to look for a quiet place to work and turn off their e-mail alerts for a while (e.g., incorporate a ‘quiet hour’; König et al., 2013). At other times, people may choose to go for a walk to clear their mind and come up with new ideas (Oppezzo & Schwartz, 2014) or listen to their favorite music while working to promote an energized and driven mindset (Lesiuk, 2005). Important here is the idea that the vitality management strategies are goal-directed and purposefully initiated. Thus, in this self-regulatory process, individuals must develop and implement strategies, and continuously monitor and evaluate what works best for them to achieve the desired results. In summary, the overall research question I formulated for this dissertation is: Can individuals proactively manage their physical and mental energy to promote optimal functioning at work? The research objectives of the present dissertation can be summarized into three sub questions that build on each other. These research questions will be answered with the use of eight empirical studies described throughout the different chapters included in this dissertation.