151 Proactive Vitality Management Among Employees with Chronic Liver Disease Analytical Strategy Before testing our hypotheses, we examined the factor structure of our measurement model through confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) using AMOS 25 software (Arbuckle, 2017). After that, structural equation modeling (SEM) with maximum likelihood estimation was used to test our theoretical model. Due to the relatively complex theoretical model and the relatively small sample size, we ran separate structural equation models for the health impairment process and for the motivational process (i.e., for the upper and lower half of the model in Figure 1, respectively). The indirect effects were tested using bootstrapping. The moderated mediation hypotheses were tested by including a product term representing the interaction between self-insight and proactive vitality management in their potential effect on exhaustion and work engagement (i.e., to examine first-stage moderated mediation). Subsequently, we further inspected the conditional indirect effects by creating user-defined estimands. We controlled for the potential influence of participants’ concurrent health complaints on the hypothesized processes by adding paths from T2 health complaints to both T2 mediators, and from T3 health complaints to the T3 outcomes in our analyses. Finally, to thoroughly test our hypotheses, we also performed more stringent tests in which we added paths for earlier levels of the mediators (i.e., T1) and outcome variables (i.e., T2) to control for their potential explained variance. Below, we report the results for each hypothesis both with and without including these additional paths. All reported results are standardized. RESULTS Descriptive Statistics Means, standard deviations, and correlations of the measured variables in our study are presented in Table 1. To examine the measurement model and check for construct validity and independence of our variables, we conducted a CFA on the latent factors included in our theoretical model (see Figure 1): Self-insight (T1; eight items), proactive vitality management (T1; eight items); work engagement (T2; nine items), exhaustion (T2; four items), functional limitations (T3; eight items), and creative work performance (T3; five items). Absenteeism (T3) was omitted from the CFA because it is not a latent variable. The measurement model in which all items loaded on their 6