180 Chapter 7 chronotype (Kühnel et al., 2022). In turn, proactive vitality management may help individuals to make use of their personal potential and any favorable work conditions available to them to reach higher levels (creative) performance. The findings from each of the studies presented in this dissertation thus contribute to the literature by highlighting the importance of individuals’ self-regulatory and proactive behaviors in the creative process (cf. De Stobbeleir et al., 2011). Research Question 3: Who may benefit from using proactive vitality management? The third goal of this dissertation was to explore when and for whom proactive vitality management may especially be beneficial or effective. First of all, I argued that – theoretically – everyone may use and benefit from proactive vitality management. Especially in the short term, small efforts and actions may already be sufficient to manage physical and mental energy and may considerably impact work-related outcomes. Moreover, the studies included in this dissertation support the value of proactive vitality management for employees from a wide range of organizations and occupations, with one study focusing explicitly on the creative industry (Chapter 5). In addition, I explored the role of proactive vitality management for employees with a chronic medical condition, i.e., a highly relevant yet understudied population in the context of occupational health and performance. While most people will have experienced times when they could not perform well because of low energy, focus, or drive, for chronically ill individuals, dealing with an energetic disadvantage is part of everyday reality. The findings from Chapter 6 showed that employees with a chronic liver condition who used proactive vitality management experienced more favorable outcomes over time with regards to their well-being and work performance. To gain further insights on who may benefit from proactive vitality management, I built on the model of proactive motivation (Parker et al., 2010) to examine whether certain personal characteristics and contextual factors may make it more likely for an individual to – effectively – use proactive vitality management. Personality and Proactive Vitality Management Although proactive vitality management may be important for all individuals, some persons may be more likely or better equipped to proactively and timely manage their vitality than others. This idea suggests that there may be an interplay between