189 Summary and General Discussion proactively undertake to manage their physical and mental energy for work, future research may aim to develop a system, such as a quadrant or specified categories, to classify these proactive actions. Such a classification may not only provide valuable practical insights, but may also be used to take a closer look at the different types of strategies, and for whom or when they may especially be effective. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS The studies presented in this dissertation have several practical implications for working individuals and organizations. Overall, the findings from the studies together suggest that proactive vitality management is a valuable behavioral strategy for employees from various industries and occupations, for people working in the creative industry, and for employees with a chronic medical condition. The conceptualization and exploration of proactive vitality management included in this dissertation may facilitate communication about and encouragement of proactive vitality management within organizations. For instance, it is important to ask questions about where one stands with regards to their physical and mental energy for work, and to think about proactive strategies that may help manage these valuable resources, i.e., to cultivate self-insight in the proactive vitality management process. Organizations may promote and facilitate proactive vitality management in several ways. First of all, the work environment and jobs may be (re)designed in a way that makes the use of proactive vitality management easier and more effective. For example, social support seems to increase the effectiveness of proactive vitality management. Individuals may thus aim to seek social support themselves (cf. De Stobbeleir et al., 2011; Tims et al., 2012), but organizations may also aim to establish a climate where social interaction is encouraged and facilitated. Moreover, it may be important to provide employees with some level of freedom in their work that allows them to employ strategies according to their own situational needs and personal preferences. Higher levels of job autonomy may, for example, provide people with the opportunity to adjust their working hours according to their own biorhythm or to do their work on different locations (e.g., outside or from home). However, many examples of proactive vitality management strategies provided throughout this dissertation may be employed under 7