83 Proactive Vitality Management, Work Engagement, and Creativity explanatory mechanism between proactive vitality management and creativity. That is, resources are important predictors of work engagement (Bakker et al., 2014) and the positive emotions that are part of work engagement allow individuals to be flexible, explorative, and creative (Fredrickson, 2001). Research indeed supports this assertion, showing that work engagement explains the relationship between job resources and personal initiative (Hakanen, Perhoniemi, & Toppinen-Tanner, 2008), creativity (Bakker & Xanthopoulou, 2013), and innovative behavior (Park, Song, Yoon, & Kim, 2014). Hypothesis 2. Proactive vitality management is indirectly positively related to creativity through work engagement. The Role of Goal Orientation Goal orientation (GO) theory outlines how individuals use adaptive or maladaptive self-regulatory behaviors in achievement settings. Accordingly, people hold one of three types of GOs: Learning goal orientation (LGO) – a desire to develop mastery through learning, seeking challenges, and acquiring new skills; performance-prove GO (PPGO) – a desire to prove competence to gain favorable evaluations from others; and performance-avoidance GO (PAGO) – a desire to avoid displays of incompetence that could lead to negative judgments (Brett et al., 2016; Dragoni & Kuenzi, 2012; Gong, Kim, Lee, & Zhu, 2013; VandeWalle, 1997). In the present study, we focus on LGO and PAGO, because these two orientations are expected to have predictable and rather differential effects on the creativity process.1 GO has a powerful impact on job performance and creativity, because GO determines employees’ self-regulatory tactics, including their effort, self-set goals, feedback seeking, persistence, and learning strategies (Brett et al., 2016). Since GOs influence approach/ avoidancemotivation and openness to experience (Payne, Youngcourt, &Beaubien, 2007), GOs have important implications for (a) how proactive vitality management relates to work engagement, and (b) how work engagement relates to creativity. 1 Unfortunately, in the present study, the scale measuring PPGO had low internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha = .57), and thus it was impossible to calculate reliable interaction terms. We therefore decided to exclude PPGO from our theoretical and empirical analyses. 4