93 Proactive Vitality Management, Work Engagement, and Creativity According to Hypothesis 3, the link between proactive vitality management and work engagement should be stronger for employees with a high learning goal orientation and weaker for employees with a high performance avoidance goal orientation. The interaction term of week-level proactive vitality management and learning goal orientation was positively related to week-level work engagement (estimate = .313, SE = .089, p < .01), while the interaction termof week-level proactive vitalitymanagement and performance avoidance goal orientation was negatively related to week-level work engagement (estimate = -.211, SE = .059, p < .01; see Table 2). Simple slope tests revealed that the positive link between week-level proactive vitality management and week-level work engagement was stronger when learning goal orientation was 1 SD higher than the mean (estimate = .718, SE = .082, p < .01) than when learning goal orientation was 1 SD lower than the mean (estimate = .274, SE = .083, p < .01; see Figure 2), providing support for Hypothesis 3a. Furthermore, the positive link between week-level proactive vitality management and week-level work engagement was weaker when performance avoidance goal orientation was 1 SD higher than the mean (estimate = .302, SE = .063, p < .01) than when performance avoid goal orientation was 1 SD lower than the mean (estimate = .690, SE = .087, p < .01; see Figure 3), providing support for Hypothesis 3b. According to Hypothesis 4, the link between work engagement and creativity should be stronger for high learning goal orientation and weaker for high performance avoidance goal orientation. The interaction term of week-level work engagement and learning goal orientation was positively related to week-level creativity (estimate = .346, SE = .079, p < .01). Simple slope tests revealed that the positive link between week-level work engagement and week-level creativity was stronger when learning goal orientation was 1 SD higher than the mean (estimate = .753, SE = .079, p < .01) than when learning goal orientation was 1 SD lower than the mean (estimate = .269, SE = .079, p < .01; see Figure 4), supporting Hypothesis 4a. The interaction term of week-level work engagement and performance avoidance goal orientation was negatively related to week-level creativity (estimate = -.119, SE = .061, p = .06). However, although the effect was in the predicted direction, it was not significant. This effectively rejects Hypothesis 4b. We note that we 4