Anne Musters

103 B-cell repopulation after rituximab in rheumatoid arthritis Figure 2 |Monitoring of B cell depletion and repopulation dynamics in peripheral blood BCR repertoire during treatment with rituximab A) Barplot showing the percentage of unmutated clonotypes in samples obtained before (M0), and at one (M1), three (M3), six (M6) and twelve (M12) months after treatment with rituximab. Bars height shows the median, error bars show the range. Single data points are depicted in grey (**p ≤ 0.01, ***p ≤ 0.001, using one-way ANOVA). B) Disease activity score (DAS28: red dots and line, red scale on the right Y-axis) and percentage of unmutated clonotypes (white bars, scale on the left Y-axis) in the individual patients. Grey arrows indicate the first post-depletion timepoint, while black arrows indicate the first post-repopulation timepoint. Green triangles indicate the timepoint at which each patient received rituximab treatment. C) Percentage of patients that reached the first post-depletion (grey) and first post-repopulation timepoint (black) at the timepoints analyzed. 5