Anne Musters

110 CHAPTER 5 Figure S2 | Results excluding patients who received a 2nd cycle of treatment A-C) Boxplots showing (A) the clonal expansion: Gini index, (B) the clonal diversity: Shannon index and (C) the average IGHV gene mutation load in samples obtained before (M0), and at one (M1), three (M3), six (M6) and twelve (M12) months after treatment with rituximab. Boxplots show the median, 25% and 75% interquartile range and error bars show the range. Single data points are depicted in grey. D) Barplots showing the percentage of unmutated clonotypes before (M0), and at one (M1), three (M3), six (M6) and twelve (M12) months after treatment with rituximab. Bars height shows the median, error bars show the range. Single data points are depicted in grey. E) Boxplot showing the changes in DAS28-score between month 6 and month 12 after treatment in early or late repopulating patients. Boxplots show the median and 25th and 75th interquartile and error bars show the range. Single data points are depicted in grey. (*p ≤ 0.05, **p ≤ 0.001, using Kruskal-Wallis test in A and B, one-way ANOVA in C and D and unpaired t-test in E).