Anne Musters

136 CHAPTER 6 Supplementary figure 4 | (A) CDR3 overlap plot between whole blood BCRh repertoire at screening (x-axis) and the plasmablast/plasma cell repertoire during the 1st phenotyping visit (y-axis). (B) CDR3 overlap plot between whole blood BCRh repertoire at screening (x-axis) and the plasmablast/plasma cell repertoire during the 2nd phenotyping visit (y-axis). (C) CDR3 overlap plot between whole blood BCRh repertoire at screening (x-axis) and the memory B cell repertoire during the 1st phenotyping visit (y-axis). (D) CDR3 overlap plot between whole blood BCRh repertoire at screening (x-axis) and the memory B cell repertoire during the 2nd phenotyping visit (y-axis).