Anne Musters

172 APPENDICES (Inter)national conferences NVR najaarsdagen Papendal, NL 2012-2016 2 ABIRISK annual meeting Sienna, Italy 2013 0.5 Investigator meeting Boehringer-Ingelheim München , Germany 2013 0.4 Nationaal conferentie zeldzame aandoeningen Den Haag/Rijswijk, NL 2013 0.3 Investigator meeting AbbVie Madrid, Spain 2014 0.4 Annual meeting European Congress of Rheumatology Paris, France 2014 0.9 ABIRISK annual meeting Brussels, Belgium 2015 0.5 Annual Meeting American College of Rheumatology San Francisco, USA 2015 1.1 Annual meeting European Congress of Rheumatology London, UK 2016 0.9 European Workshop for Rheumatology Research Athens, Greece 2017 0.9 Teaching and tutoring Tutoring bachelor students for thesis 3rd year students Medicine, AMC, Amsterdam, NL 2013-2015 2 New developments in rheumatology: diagnosis and treatment Course “Klinische en Experimentele Immunologie” 3rd year students Medicine, AMC, Amsterdam, NL 2016-2017 1 Awards Year Poster of Merit Federation of Clinical Immunology Societies 2014 Travel Grant Annual European Congress of Rheumatology EULAR 2016 Travel Grant Amsterdam Infection & Immunity Institute 2017 Abstract Award in Basic Science Annual European Congress of Rheumatology EULAR 2018