Anne Musters

174 APPENDICES List of publications Publications in this thesis In rheumatoid arthritis, synovitis at different inflammatory sites is dominated by shared but patient-specific T-cell clones. Musters A, Klarenbeek PL, Doorenspleet ME, Balzaretti G, Esveldt REE, van Schaik BDC, Jongejan A, Tas SW, van Kampen AHC, Baas F, de Vries N Journal of Immunology. 2018 Jul 15;201(2):417-422. PMID: 29891556 In rheumatoid arthritis inflamed joints share dominan patiënt-specific B-cell clones Musters A, Balzaretti G, van Schaik BDC, Jongejan A, van der Weele L, Tas SW, van Kampen AHC, de Vries N Frontiers in Immunology. 2022 Jul 27;13:915687. PMID: PMC9363889 Prevention of rheumatoid arthritis: A systematic literature review of preventive strategies in at-risk individuals Frazzei G*, Musters A*, de Vries N, Tas SW, van Vollenhoven RF Autoimmunity Reviews. 2023 Jan;22(1):103217. PMID: 36280095 Sensitive B-cell receptor repertoire analysis shows repopulation correlates with clinical response to rituximab in rheumatoid arthritis Pollastro SP*, Musters A*, Balzaretti G*, Niewold ITG, van Schaik BDC, Hässler S, Verhoef CM, Pallardy M, van Kampen AHC, Mariette X, de Vries N, on behalf of the ABIRISK Consortium Manuscript submitted Dynamics of the B cell receptor repertoire during the preclinical phase of rheumatoid arthritis: Longitudinal studies in untreated RA-risk individuals (DOMINO study) and the effects of rituximab treatment (PRAIRI study) Musters A*, Al-Soudi A*, Anang DC, Klarenbeek PL, Niewold ITG, van Baarsen L, van Schaik BDC, van Kampen AHC, Gerlag DM, Tak PP, Tas SW, de Vries N Manuscript in preparation * Equal contribution