Anne Musters

183 About the author About the author Anne Musters was born in Vlissingen, the Netherlands, on the 8th of April 1987. She grew up living in Middelburg with her loving parents. After graduating from the Nehalennia SG, she moved to Amsterdam in 2005 to attend medical school at the Academic Medical Centre (AMC, University of Amsterdam). Anne combined her studies with several side jobs, e.g. working as a medical secretary and nursing assistant. From 2008 until 2010 she did a scientific internship at the Department of Neurology under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Y.B.W.E.M. Roos, which strengthened her interest in scientific research. After obtaining her doctoral degree in 2010 Anne went to Cameroon for four months to do a voluntary internship in Tropical Medicine, before starting with the regular internships. In October 2012 she graduated from medical school, cum laude. Six months later, after traveling through Australia and Asia, she started with a Ph.D. trajectory at the Department of Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology under the supervision of Prof. Dr. N. de Vries and Prof. Dr. S.W. Tas. As a Ph.D. candidate, she was involved in both clinical trials and translational research. She was involved in the setup and implementation of the Dutch rheumatoid arthritis section of an international consortium, namely the “Anti-Biopharmaceutical Immunization: prediction and analysis of clinical relevance to minimize the RISK” (ABIRISK) consortium. Additionally, she worked in the outpatient clinic and performed mini-arthroscopies. Together with Prof. Dr. S.W. Tas, she wrote a treatment guideline for rare diseases for the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Reumatologie (NVR) and a chapter on Castleman’s disease for the medical textbook “Rare Rheumatic Diseases”, edited by Dr. T.K. Tarrant. Furthermore, she was chair of the Ph.D. association APROVE and a board member of the Graduate School at the AMC. In September 2018 Anne began her training at the AMC to become a General Practitioner, starting her residency in Haarlem. Currently, Anne is working as a GP in Velserbroek and a penitentiary institution. During the past years, she completed her Ph.D. work on the side. In 2024, Anne and her family are planning to move to New Zealand to start a new adventure and continue to work as a GP there. A