Albertine Donker

IRIDA: a Heterogeneous Disease 193 4 Supplemental Table 10. Change in serum iron parameters in time after administration of intravenous iron in an IRIDA patient Parameters t=0 h t=1h t=3h t=6 h t=1 week Serum iron (μmol/L) 11 na na na 9 TSAT (%) 14 na na na 14 Serum hepcidin (nmol/L) 7.3 7.3 7.6 8.9 7.2 TSAT/hepcidin (%/nM) 1.9 na na na 1.9 CRP (mg/L) 19 19 29 19 23 Serum ferritin (μg/L) 592 na na na 649 Hemoglobin (g/dL) 13.5 13.0 13.4 13.2 14.2 MCV (fL) 88 87 87 88 90 Data of patient 14; At t=0 h, 200 mg iron sucrose (Venofer®, Vifor Pharma) was administered intravenously Abbreviations: na denotes not available