Albertine Donker

Chapter 7 268 Supplemental Table 6. Results of multivariable linear regression analyses for hepcidin/ferritin concentrations (pmol/µg) stratified by sex Males 95% CI Variable Beta Lower limit Upper limit p Age, years 0-<2 ref ref ref 2-<6 -0.090 -0.392 0.211 0.555 6-<12 -0.254 -0.529 0.022 0.071 12-<18 -0.768 -1.054 -0.482 0.000 Time Blood sampling 7.30 AM-12 PM ref ref ref 12 -3 PM 0.169 0.022 0.315 0.024 3- 6 PM 0.421 0.211 0.631 0.000 CRP, mg/L b,c 0.103 -0.008 0.215 0.070 BMI d Normal weight ref ref ref Underweight 0.508 0.008 1.007 0.046 Overweight 0.139 -0.073 0.350 0.197 Adipose 0.056 -0.331 0.443 0.776 a Beta expresses the change in the dependent variable -log-transformed hepcidin/ferritin ratio- that is associated with a 1-unit change in the independent variable. Independent variables marked with b were log-transformed as well; the interpretation of the regression coefficients for these variables is as follows: a 1% change in the independent variable corresponds to a beta % change in the hepcidin/ferritin ratio c CRP levels of children were between > 0.1 and < 5 mg/l d BMI was assessed according to international standards established by Cole et al 11 Abbreviations: na denotes not applicable; ref, reference category