Albertine Donker

Chapter 8 284 Table 1B. Clinical, biochemical and treatment characteristics of control patients with iron deficient anemia Patient characteristics N Median or count Range or percentage Age at time of TSAT/ hepcidin assessment, years 39 62 18-90 Women 39 29 74 Systemic disease: • Diabetes mellitus • Hypothyroidism • IBD (complete remission) Rheumatic disease (complete remission) 18 12 b 4 b 1 1 46 24 5 2 2 Hb, g/dL a 39 9.3 3.8-13.1 MCV, fL a 39 73.0 58-80 Ferritin, µg/L a 39 9.0 2.0-38.0 TSAT, % a 39 5.0 2.0-11.0 CRP, mg/L a 39 1.8 0.2-8.1 ALT, U/L a 23 18.0 12.0-42.0 eGFR (CKD-EPI), mL/min/1.73m 2 a,b 33 67 42->90 BMI, kg/m 2 a • Normal weight (18.5-25) • Overweight (25-30) • Obese (>30) 39 28 13 9 17 19-42 33 23 44 Assessment of underlying disorder of IDA • Unexplained • Gastrointestinal bleeding • Gynaecological bleeding • Malabsorption 39 18 11 5 4 46 33 13 10 Assessment of medication use • Anticoagulants • Antithrombotic agents • NSAIDs • Proton pomp inhibitors • Corticosteroids 39 6 12 1 14 1 c 15 31 3 36 3 Assessment of response to iron therapy in unexplained IDA c • Hb increase <2g/dL after oral iron • Hb increase <2g/dL after IV iron • Hb increase >2g/dL after oral iron • Hb increase >2g/dl after IV iron • No iron supplementation 18 1 1 4 9 3 6 6 22. 50 17 a Before initiation of iron supplementation, at the time of TSAT/hepcidin assessment b eGFR was >90 mL/min/1.73m 2 in 49% of IDA controls, 60-89 mL/min/1.73m 2 in 30% of IDA controls, 45-59 mL/min/1.73m 2 in 18% of IDA controls and 30-44 mL/min/1.73m 2 in 3% of IDA controls. c Response to iron therapy 3 weeks after initiation of iron supplementation Abbreviations: Hb denotes hemoglobin; MCV, mean corpuscular volume; TSAT, transferrin saturation; CRP, C-reactive protein; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate