Sarah Bos

43 Changes of in vitro potency of anticoagulant drugs 3 Table 2. In vitro inhibition of thrombin generation in plasma after addition of several anticoagulant drugs Dabigatran ETP Peak Lag-time Velindex Lean 14.7 (-19.1-27.3) -1.0 (-35.8-18.1) + 196.6 (131.3-209.8) -30.4 (-60.9- 5.5) Obese 6.9 (-32.4-12.7) + -6.7 (-61.7- -3.0) + 161.9 (137.7.-218.8) -40.7 (-115.1 - -14.2) + NASH 42.2 (-1.1-65.9) 40.7 (-14.4-72.5) * 206.6 (181.3-271.2) 32.1 (-35.0-70.7) ASH 61.2 (37.5-75.7) * 62.9 (36.3-82.9) * 195.1 (139.5-233.5) 56.4 (24.4-82.8) * Apixaban ETP Peak Lag-time Velindex Lean 30.7 (25.2-36.6) 28.3 (22.0-33.5) 0.0 (0.0-0.0) + 26.6 (19.0-35.2) Obese 32.3 (28.5-34.1) 28.3 (24.2-30.1) 6.7 (0.0-12.4) 25.9 (18.6-32.1) NASH 31.0 (26.0-36.0) 28.7 (22.3-34.7) 8.5 (6.6-15.1) * 28.5 (21.9-36.1) ASH 28.1 (22.9-31.1) 23.4 (21.3-28.8) 9.2 (0.0-16.5) * 21.7 (15.7-32.7) LMWH ETP Peak Lag-time Velindex Lean 31.4 (24.1-33.9) 28.8 (23.4-33.1) 0.0 (0.0-0.0) 26.1 (20.5-26.1) Obese 37.2 (24.6-42.4) 36.4 (24.1-41.6) 0.0 (0.0-0.0) 37.1 (24.1-47.1) + NASH 28.0 (22.6-32.2) 26.1 (17.2-31.5) 0.0 (-7.1-0.0) 27.6 (14.5-34.8) ASH 23.8 (20.2-28.7) 17.7 (13.1-24.6) 0.0 (0.0-0.0) 17.3 (11.1-28.3) Abbreviations: ETP: endogenous thrombin potential, Velindex: velocity index, LMWH: low molecular weight heparin. The percentual inhibition of the ETP, peak, or velocity and percentual increase in lagtime are shown. Data are expressed as median percentages with interquartile range. * = p < 0.05 compared to lean controls, + =p < 0.05 compared to NASH-cirrhosis