Ben van der Hilst

349 reby the education teams - in contrast to the educational program teams - now form part of the production system. In education teams, the connection between teachers becomes stronger. The stronger connections are due to the mutual dependency that derives from having a well-defined shared responsibility for the comprehensive deve- lopment of students. This is less so in educational program teams. The limited size of educational teams also contributes to a stronger relationship among the members. The observed effects due to the implementation of the TOS can all be related to the strengthening of the connections in the organization structure (proposition 9). Theoretical Findings The terms professional, professional behavior and profes- sionalism are often linked to the profession of the teacher. Because of the frequent use of these terms, demarcation of these concepts has been sought. Based on the characteristics of the teaching profession and the definitions used in the literature, it can be stated that the teacher can be regarded as a professional. The description of professional behavior type 1 and type 2 is in line with this conclusion. The literature on professionalization shows that collective learning in the workplace provides a pow- erful learning environment for teachers. The literature on professional group learning shows that mutual dependency promotes this learning. This supports the anchoring of cooperation in the organizational structure, as is the case in the TOS. The literature on distributed leadership shows that the professional behavior of teachers benefits from fulfilling leadership roles such as implementing processes of change. In the TOS, this transfer of leadership takes place in combination with the transfer of powers. The modern sociotechnical theory advocates an integral (re-)design of the organization starting with the production structure, which aims to make the organi- zation as simple as possible so that it will be able to cope with complex tasks. In a bureaucratic organization, a more complex task of the organization usually leads to a more complex organizational structure, usually leading to a further increase in the division of labor. A method to simplify an organization is to set up task-related teams that take responsibility for an entire task or product. Many control options enable the team to respond quickly to disruptions in the production process while simultaneously increase job satisfaction. Schools are characterized by a strong division of labor: each teacher is responsible for a part of a student’s comprehensive development. Often the organization provides a mentor or student career counselor, but this function does not have a coordinating power with regards to the other teachers involved with the stu- dent’s education. If the product definition used by the school is not solely the provision of good education, but rather the comprehensive development of the student, the need to establish education teams for the teachers involved with this student beco- mes evident. The team’s mandate makes it possible to respond directly to disruptions to those developments. Summary Teamgericht organiseren